Got a Girl Crush On: Senator Wendy Davis of Texas

Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D) drew national attention for stopping a bill that would have closed all but 5 abortion clinics in the state and outlawed abortion after 20 weeks.(via matthewjbemer)


Got a Girl Crush On: Senator Wendy Davis of Texas

Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D) drew national attention for stopping a bill that would have closed all but 5 abortion clinics in the state and outlawed abortion after 20 weeks.
(via matthewjbemer)

First, to be clear: This is not a pro-abortion stance, this is a PRO-WOMAN STANCE.

This was a bill that, if passed, would have affected women’s choices and decisions profoundly and forced women in Texas (an enormous state) to drive thousands of miles to unauthorized clinics or even Mexico to get potentially unsafe procedures.

But here’s a quick breakdown on how the U.S. (arguably archaic) system works:

filibuster is a type of parliamentary procedure where debate is extended, allowing one or more members to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a given proposal. 

“During a filibuster, a senator is limited to topics relevant to the bill being discussed and cannot eat, drink or use the restroom during the speech. The rules also prohibit sitting or leaning on a desk or chair under any circumstances when the senator has the floor and is speaking on the bill or resolution.”

Wendy Davis did not sit, drink, eat, pee, or shit for 16+ hours (hell, she wasn’t even allowed to lean on the podium!) and then the Senate tried to go ahead and vote after midnight anyways (which was when the constitutional time expired on the vote). 


Wendy is a champion for standing up and she was not alone, either

And, let’s remind ourselves of the women who fought before Wendy:

(via johannafateman)

OUR BODIES. OUR CHOICES. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.