Got A Girl Crush On: Lady Parts (a creative female salon)
Cassie is utilizing Kickstarter’s amazing space after hours by opening it up to ladies who are normally isolated in their creative pursuits. In her words:
“There are a LOT of ladies i know that are independently pursuing creative/interesting/business endeavors on top of their 9 to 5 jobs and "regular” lives and they spend their after work hours alone, generally in front of a computer, at home, slaving away and it’s a bummer. all these girls doing all this cool shit in all these hyper-niche communities. [So] I just want to open up KSR offices after hours for a weekday, and invite ladies to just come, bring your work, bring some booze or food, and hang out and work AROUND each other–it’s a great atmosphere.“
hi ladies — the inaugural Lady Parts (001) is happening on August 10, 2010 beginning at 8:30PM. at this time, i’ll be opening up the Kickstarter offices after hours to all women who are in pursuit of independent + creative endeavors and would enjoy a communal, productive working environment to hang out in. come! bring your laptop, your books, your toolkit, your paperwork, your anything! this will be a large, open space for all types of work, conversation, good times, and … frankly … just getting shit done.
BYOB, highly recommended. RSVP to cassie@kickstarter.comspread the word. all ladies are welcome! see you then, i hope.
Come if you live in the NYC-area! OR get inspired and start your own in your town! Viva la lady parts!