Every month I pick a tarot deck out of my collection and pick 12 cards that correlate to each sign of the zodiac. This is Crushascope for September 2015 and it looks pretty good. I must warn that Mercury will be going retrograde on the 17th. Please…


Every month I pick a tarot deck out of my collection and pick 12 cards that correlate to each sign of the zodiac. This is Crushascope for September 2015 and it looks pretty good. I must warn that Mercury will be going retrograde on the 17th. Please don’t panic! This is a great time to wrap up old projects and to reflect. This could lead to major problem solving. Enjoy!!  -Sonia
(illustration by Amanda Stosz)


Happy Birthday Virgo! I have really amazing news for you! September is time for you to reap the benefits of whatever you have been working on. Use the retrograde to perfect your skill or a project you have been working on. Do not beat yourself up if you are trying to make plans or feel like things are not going your way. It is only the retrograde trying to get you to focus on one thing at a time. Focus on perfecting one goal at a time. You will get there.     


This retrograde is all about focusing on your home and health Libra. Do not ignore anything that needs home improvement. Also, go see a doctor in the event you have a recurring pain or issue. This is a useful time to reflect on how you can improve you and things around you. Gather ideas and inspiration by doing some exercise or rearranging the furniture.   


Hold your tongue this month Scorpio. You have to focus on diplomacy. Struggles with loved ones or coworkers could lead you to say the wrong thing. Stand by your convictions but have patience this month. This retrograde is about keeping the peace for yourself. You are determined to be right now matter what but at what cost? The truth is you are most likely correct about how you are feeling but just keep it to yourself. You will see how things will reveal themselves and in your favor. Trust.   


There is nothing more scary than thinking of starting a new job or venture right before or during Mercury retrograde. Truth is, you need a breathe of fresh air Sagittarius. It’s been a long time coming so don’t let anything stop you.  I thought a lot about this before writing it and the truth is new opportunities are gonna present themselves to you this month. Take them with on with optimism. You are gonna be okay! Think of it as completing a chapter in your life.


You have plans this month Capricorn. Your clairvoyant abilities will shine this month. Use them to your advantage. Use this opportunity to feel things out and help your friends. After the retrograde is over (around October 7) you will enter a phase in which you will want to expand on your thoughts and make them a reality. I suggest a meditation regimen of some kind for you. It will awaken, inspire, and solve problems for you.   


You are in the home stretch. “Hold on for one more day.” I know you have a lot going on and you are probably managing how you plan to get through Mercury Rx in one piece. Brace yourself, Aquarius, for you the time will go by as if nothing happened.  You will have managed to cross your t’s and dot your i’s. so now what? Just relax. Your mind has been racing all summer and you just need to take a mental break and enjoy the moment. This retrograde is going to force you into vacation mode. Embrace it. Things will be back to being fast paced normal in no time.  


Do not be afraid to ask for help from loved ones this month Pisces. You will need collaborative spirits to help you this month. Perhaps there was a project with a friend you were working on that fell through the cracks? Or maybe you and co-worker can tackle some of the bigger projects work together. Either way, this is probably a good month for you to join a gang (kidding). Don’t be too proud to ask for help and do not worry about not getting what you want back in return. The benefits of teaming up with those around you is most certainly going to get you results.


It is time collect this month. It is going to be a karmic month. Depending on whether you have been good or bad, whatever you put out there is gonna come and send it back. This retrograde will have you focus on your relationships, listening skills, and compassion. This will be a good time to break some bad habits and replace them with some new ones.    


Listen to your inner voice this month. You have been ignoring it. If you see something, say something. Although it will most likely be if you feel something do something. Taurus, this retrograde might make you a little uncomfortable because it has booked you on a one way trip to contemplation. If your mind doesn’t whisk you away about a certain issue don’t fret, it will show up in your dreams. Keep an account of your dreams and look for clues that your subconscious is hiding.  


What a great month to go back to the drawing board. All roads lead to Rome, Gemini. You need to find a new route. You got a great idea but the truth is you are not sure how you are gonna make it happen. Perhaps you have also given up. This retrograde will offer you hope to reopen a situation and see things with a fresh pair of eyes.


The pressure is on this month to have it your way or no way, Cancer. This retrograde is going to make you question your needs. You will have begrudgingly given away some of your power but know that it will save you in the future. Kiss and make up this month. By forgiving and letting go of past hurt this month you will be making room for the future.       


September will be off to a slow start but know that things are in the works to get you moving around the 15th. Even if not by the 15th things are moving toward your direction Leo. Timing and patience is everything. The 8 of wands promises new opportunities coming your way. Try not to get too overwhelmed by all of them. Things will present themselves but you will have time to think it over. Do not rush into anything this month. Alone time to think things over is also key so do not be afraid to request me time.   

About Sonia Ana Ortiz:
Sonia Ortiz is American made with Cuban parts. She has been reading tarot for over 20 years. She is a licensed Reiki Practitioner, Bruja, and Guacamole Champion. Her favorite Judas Priest album is Defenders of the Faith.

September’s  horoscope used the The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans. You can follow her across all social media at @soniaaortiz.