
Every month I pick a tarot deck out of my collection and pick 12 cards from that correlate to each sign of the zodiac. This is #Crushascope for October 2015. It looks like based on the poll I ran I will be using the Tarot of Marseilles! It was one of the first tarot decks ever to be printed in existence. First printed in Switzerland in mid 1700s and then made popular by the French Royal family, this deck was used as a simple card game before its more esoteric use.  This deck was the precursor to the poker deck we have today. The Major Arcana was created after. It was brought back and made popular by Alejandro Jodorowsky who created the Holy Mountain. This deck is not meant to use reverses so this month’s horoscope will not feature them.  –Sonia


Fulfillment, love, and happiness shine over this month Libra. Your relationships shine this month. It is a good time to really take things to the next level with your partner. It is also a good time to get close with a friend or acquaintance. Your communication will be warm and inviting. This new union whether it be romantic or platonic will also inspire your creativity. Have fun!


People will be coming to you for guidance this month. Get ready because you may find yourself being asked to weigh in on everything. Just remember to be wise with your words. You still have a little bit of last month’s horoscope in here. Your words and attitude are a major asset to getting ahead. I also see that you are determined to meet a goal. You will have an energy boost this month to do so Scorpio.  


I know, worst card ever! Sometimes you have to breakdown in order to break through. This is a month that is going to figuratively separate the men from the boys. Face adversity, upheaval, and change knowing that things can only get better. Even if it is the most minute obstacle that is causing you to rip your hair out you have to remind yourself it’s gonna be alright. I do want you to take 5 minutes out of your day this month and say this mantra “It’s only temporary” or “This too shall pass.”


October is a month of strategy Capricorn. You are going back to the drawing board to see how you can set the goal you are having trouble with. I do recommend that you do this when you are not working. Do not even actively meditate this month with idea of solving a problem. You must simply take some time for yourself and relax. It is in a state of pure relaxation and joy that your A-ha moment will come. Remember not to overthink about relaxing. If you have a 5 point plan about chilling out and staying in place you are doing it wrong. Just make sure you are taking naps and enjoying your free time.    


Taking care of others this month will come into play very strongly. Like Scorpio, you will be asked for a lot of advice but do not be surprised if if people want more than your wisdom Aquarius. You may be asked to do a solid for a good friend but think about it first. You don’t want to put yourself in a bad place for the sake of just anyone. Make sure that before you help anyone out whether it be with a loan or a reference that you have the full story.


Life will ebb and flow with its moments this month but the Chariot is here to guide you this month Pisces. Although there are karmic factors that play into the events of your present moment, you will find yourself taking the reigns this month. You are not a victim of circumstance nor are you paying for anything. Stand up for yourself  and take control. Take action this month because it will pay off in your favor.


Recognition of your hard work pays off this month. Your instincts for when to lead and when to take direction are truly stellar this month. Listen to your gut. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Expect a promotion or pay raise when the time is right because you have set the wheels in motion for success and abundance. It also doesn’t help to dress the part. Can I recommend buying a new accessory or item of clothing that you can make your lucky charm.     


This card is always an indicator of how well your romantic relationships are doing. However, my message for you this month Taurus is that of inspiration. The Ten of Cups exudes a perfect moment in time, complete bliss. The warm and fuzzy feeling that makes you happy to be alive.
I really want you to keep that fuzzy feeling alive so that when you recognize it you can act on it. Relying on that which makes you feel good, whole, and without regret is what should be guiding you towards your goals this month and always really. If something doesn’t feel right than it probably isn’t for you. Your feelings will be a major indicator about your environment and social circles. If something feels off it is for a reason and probably for the best.


The universe is a fickle bitch but she is about throw you a bone my friend. It’s been a struggle to move forward in career and goals. An opportunity is going to present itself this month and it is going to be a precursor for all good things to come. Don’t expect it to be the answer to all your problems but it will be an improvement. Be patient and remind yourself that you have enough. Quick fixes are good for right now but don’t settle on anything major. It won’t be what you are really looking for. Just hang in there baby! You are in the home stretch.


You are killing it right now Cancer but make sure you are being kind to yourself too. You have every reason to stand your ground at this moment. You are always being questioned by your peers and maybe by your loved ones. Do not take it personally! I get a strong sense that people around you love you and don’t want you to burn out. Don’t let the fear of someone overstepping their boundaries affect you. It will only make you sick. Take this time to remind yourself of what a complete and utter badass you are.     


Ch-ch-ch-changes. Why are you so resistant to change Leo? This month, you will see that a repeating pattern is not working for you. Sure it is a different environment but you are still the same. You have to really look inside yourself and kill your bad habits. They are holding you down. I suggest making a list or retracing your steps when it comes to you wondering why something didn’t work out. You may learn from your mistakes and come out winning when a new challenge arrives.  Not learning from these habits may also bite you in a$$ so perhaps this is incentive to take a look at yourself and seek out room for improvement (looking at you too Leo risings).


You are thinking ahead this month virgo. Expansion is inevitable and with that growth comes pain. You will be ready as you are preparing for the ups and downs of your new venture whether it be going back to school or getting a new job. I would say this month is a good one to make plans, lists, and ideas of what you want. Opportunities will present themselves but make sure you are ready to dive in because once you do there is no going back. You will be entering a new phase in your life and I feel that for many of you it is a change you have been secretly hoping and praying for.

About Sonia Ana Ortiz:
Sonia Ortiz is American made with Cuban parts. She has been reading tarot for over 20 years. She is a licensed Reiki Practitioner, Bruja, and Graphic Designer, and Guacamole Champion. She is stoked that Iron Maiden is touring in 2016. October’s  horoscope used the Tarot De Marseilles by Jodorowsky and Camoin. 

You can follow her across all social media at @soniaaortiz.